
Why Catholic Colleges Excel at Basketball

Ann Coulter to Donald Trump: Beware the Former Trumpers

Baton Rouge Officer Is Fired in Alton Sterling Case as Police Release New Videos

A Student Loan Fix for a Teacher, and Many Other Public Servants

Trump Is President. April Fool! (A Holiday Quiz)

For a 30-Year-Old Virgin, It’s Now or Never

Stephon Clark Was Shot 8 Times From Behind or the Side, Family-Ordered Autopsy Finds

‘Roseanne’ Reboot Sprang From ABC’s Heartland Strategy After Trump’s Victory

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Noor Salman Acquitted in Pulse Nightclub Shooting

Hope Hicks Is Gone, and It’s Not Clear Who Can Replace Her

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Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Adnan Syed of ‘Serial’ Is Granted a New Trial

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Laura Ingraham, Facing Boycott, Apologizes for Taunting Parkland Survivor David Hogg

Russia to Expel 60 U.S. Diplomats; Tensions Are Worst in Decades

Trump Attacks Amazon, Saying It Does Not Pay Enough Taxes

The World Is Evolving and Ricky Gervais Isn’t

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Fox News Breaking News Alert

Trump Rings Up Roseanne Barr After Her Show Is a Ratings Winner

What to Expect From the Housing Market This Spring

David J. Shulkin: Privatizing the V.A. Will Hurt Veterans

Family’s S.U.V. Plunges Off Cliff, and Death Toll Is Feared to Be 8

Earliest Known Human Footprints in North America Found on Canadian Island

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Trump’s Lawyer Raised Prospect of Pardons for Flynn and Manafort as Special Counsel Closed In

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Trump Says Second Amendment ‘Will Never Be Repealed’

A Cyberattack Hobbles Atlanta, and Security Experts Shudder

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Fox News Breaking News Alert

Is This Dog Actually Happy?

Recovered Body Is Likely That of Missing Actress, Los Angeles Police Say

H&M, a Fashion Giant, Has a Problem: $4.3 Billion of Unsold Clothes

Fox News Breaking News Alert

I Was Kind to Nikolas Cruz. He Still Killed My Friends.

Roseanne Conner Has Become a Trump Supporter. Just Like Her Creator.

Yes, You Can Indict the President

Bulletproof, Slow and Full of Wine: Kim Jong-un’s Mystery Train

Fox News Breaking News Alert

John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment

After Stormy Daniels, Republicans Face a Referendum on Trump’s Conduct

Trapped in Russian Mall Fire, Children Said Farewell by Phone

Trump Can’t Stop Tweeting, but Goes Silent on Stormy Daniels

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Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

What We Know (and Don’t Know) About How to Lose Weight

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Water Slide That Decapitated Boy Violated Basic Design Standards, Indictment Says

Putin’s Favorite Tactic Has Finally Backfired

Opposing Factions Join to Push Confirmation of a Gay Trump Appointee

Trump, Joining Allies, Expels 60 Russians Over Poisoning in U.K.

Fund-Raiser Held Out Access to Trump as a Prize for Prospective Clients

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Fox News Breaking News Alert

Louis Vuitton Names Virgil Abloh as Its New Men’s Wear Designer

Tragically Lost in Joshua Tree’s Wild Interior

Stormy Daniels Says She Stayed Silent on Trump Out of Fear

Students Lead Huge Rallies for Gun Control Across the U.S.

Trump Won’t Hire 2 Lawyers Whose Appointments Were Announced Days Ago

Demonstrators Who Brought Guns and an Opposing Message: ‘Shoot Back’

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Fox News Breaking News Alert

The Former Khmer Rouge Slave Who Blew the Whistle on Wells Fargo

What Emma González Said Without Words at the March for Our Lives Rally

Stormy Daniels, Trump’s Unlikely Foe, Is ‘Not Someone to Be Underestimated’

Photos From the ‘March for Our Lives’ Protests Around the World